How to save music onto a MoodBlock

🇩🇪 deutsche Version


  • Spotify Premium or Apple Music need to be set up on your Sonos system. Please go to the Sonos app → preferences → "Voice & Services," and make sure that your music service is on this list. More details here.
  • Please note that the free version of Spotify might work depending on which country you are in, but it is not officially supported and tested.
  • Colored MoodBlocks with Gradients. You cannot store music on other MoodBlocks, for example, Sonos Radio MoodBlocks.

Limitations on Content:

  • Only certain types of music from Spotify & Apple Music currently work with MoodBlocks. We are working with our partners to make as many types of content available.

Apple Music

  • ✅ Albums
  • ✅ Playlists
  • ✅ Artists
  • ✅ Apple Radio Stations
  • ❌ TuneIn Radio Stations
  • ❌ Apple Curators
  • ❌ Individual Songs / Tracks

Spotify Premium

  • ✅ Albums
  • ✅ Playlists
  • ✅ Radio Playlists
  • ✅ Songs
  • ✅ Artists
  • ❌ Podcast Show / Episodes

Step 1: Copy music to your clipboard

In the first step, we need to copy the music that you would like to save on a MoodBlock into your clipboard.

If you are an Apple Music user:

  • Open the Apple Music app.
  • Search for an album, playlist, or song. In this case, we're looking for the album "Kiasmos" by Kiasmos.
  • Click on the three dots "..." and "Share Album."
  • Click on "Copy" to copy the link to the album to your clipboard.
  • Now move on to step 2.

If you are a Spotify Premium user:


Open the Spotify app.

  • Search for an album, playlist, or song. In this case, we're looking for the album "Kiasmos" by Kiasmos.
  • Click on the three dots "..." and "Share."
  • Click on "Copy Link" to copy the link to the album to your clipboard.
  • Now move on to step 2.

Step 2: Save your link to a MoodBlock

Next, you will want to paste the link into the MoodBlocks App and save the music to a MoodBlock. Please note that you will require a "creative" MoodBlock with a color gradient to do so. You cannot change the music that is stored on other blocks, such as the Sonos Radio Blocks.

  • Open the MoodBlocks App.
  • Click on the bottom right menu and select "Allow Paste."
  • You should now see the music that you would like to store on a Block.
    • If you receive an error notification "Invalid Link," please make sure that you are trying to save a valid piece of content, such as an album or a playlist. A list of valid content can be found at the top of this page. If you have more issues saving music to a MoodBlock, please check out our troubleshooting guide for Apple Music or Spotify.
  • Click on "Save to MoodBlock."
  • Once the bottom window "Ready to Scan" appears, tap the MoodBlock with the top edge of your phone. You will see a checkmark to indicate that you have successfully saved the music.
  • From this moment on, you can tap a MoodBlock to start playing this music on your Sonos system.
  • You can change the music that is stored on a MoodBlock as many times as you like by following these steps.
  • Enjoy! 🥳