Missing Music Service on Sonos

If you receive the error message “Missing Music Service on Sonos” as shown below or experience difficulties saving or playing music from Spotify or Apple Music, there may be a problem between Sonos and your Music Service.


1. Check if your Music Service is installed inside the Sonos App

  • Open the Sonos App.
  • Go to “Settings” → “Services & Voice”.
  • Your Music Service, such as Apple Music or Spotify, should be listed here. If it is not listed, click on “Add a service” and add your service.
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  • Please note that you must have an active subscription with Apple or Spotify Premium. The free version of Spotify is not expected to work.
  • Once you have ensured that your music service is installed, proceed to step 2.

2. Test if you can browse music inside the Sonos App

To ensure that everything is working correctly, follow these steps:

  • Open the Sonos App.
  • Click on “Browse” in the bottom menu.
  • Click on your Music Service, such as Spotify or Apple Music. (In the example below, we show Apple Music, but Spotify works the same way.)
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  • If you receive a popup inside the Sonos App asking you to ‘reauthorize’, please do so and follow the instructions inside the Sonos App until you can return to this screen.
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  • After completing the process, try to do the same. Click on your Music Service. You should now be able to browse your music. Select an album or playlist and start playing some music. Does this work?
  • If so, return to the MoodBlocks App. Has the error notification “Missing Music Service on Sonos” disappeared?
  • ✅ Yes. Excellent. Return to the MoodBlocks App. The Error Notification should be gone, and you can proceed.
  • ✅ 🤚 Yes, the notification inside the MoodBlocks App is gone, BUT: I still have trouble saving music to a block OR music doesn’t play when I tap a Block. If this is the case, please follow one of the following troubleshooting guides:
  • ❌ No. The error notification is still there.

4. Still Having Issues?

If you have followed the steps above, but the notification inside the MoodBlocks Apps still appears, please reach out to us at hi@moodblocks.com. We will try to help you as quickly as possible.