I get an error “… unsupported”

When you try to save a Spotify or Apple Music track to a MoodBlock, you might get an error message stating something like 'Tunein unsupported'.


This means that MoodBlocks cannot support this kind of content due to limitations imposed by Spotify or Apple Music. We are currently working with our partners to expand the content that MoodBlocks can handle in the future. Please refer to the following overview to check which content is currently supported. Note that only Spotify Premium is officially supported when using Spotify.

Apple Music

  • ✅ Albums
  • ✅ Playlists
  • ✅ Artists
  • ✅ Apple Radio Stations
  • ❌ TuneIn Radio Stations
  • ❌ Apple Curators
  • ❌ Individual Songs / Tracks

Spotify Premium

  • ✅ Albums
  • ✅ Playlists
  • ✅ Radio Playlists
  • ✅ Songs
  • ✅ Artists
  • ❌ Podcast Show / Episodes